Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a painful condition affecting the outside part of the elbow. This area is called the lateral epicondyle and so the medical term for this condition is lateral epicondylitis. Tennis elbow is usually caused by overuse of the forearm. Many forearm muscles attach at or around the lateral epicondyle so when they are overused they pull too much on the elbow and make it sore. Common problematic activities include tennis (especially backhands), using a screwdriver, drilling and repeated keyboard and mouse use.
Osteopathy can provide relief from these symptoms with simple soft tissue stretches. Advanced Specific joint mobilization and manipulation techniques and specific exercises. We are also able to offer advice on playing postures and ergonomic arrangements in the office, garden and in the car to minimise the chances of reoccurrences. Tennis elbow injuries often respond particularly well to osteopathy. A treatment plan can be devised to reduce pain, aide recovery and to minimise the chance of the injury reoccurring.