Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) presents itself in many different ways with symptoms ranging from headaches to intense lethargy, muscular pains to mental confusion, and general weakness to disturbed sleep.
All sufferers of this debilitating illness appear to have upper back problems, either through previous injury or chronic postural strain. It has been suggested that the chronic stiffness leads to irritation of the Sympathetic Nervous System with which this area is closely linked. The lymphatic vessels, which form the body’s natural waste disposal system, eventually become involved as a result of the chronic tension and consequent breakdown in control from the sympathetic nerves. The M.E. sufferer is left with a clogged and toxic lymphatic system, chronic muscular tension patterns over the upper back and rib cage and a poor breathing mechanism.
The Osteopath may use a combination of structural and cranial techniques to encourage the body to stimulate the healing response.